My Billionaire Stranger Read online

Page 7

  “Thank you… I think, and you’d better watch yourself Mr. Castillo.” I fold my arms over my chest and raise an eyebrow. This game of you’re not effecting me is getting harder every minute. I wait for some sort of response as he continues to probe me with his sharp green eyes. I feel my body lean toward him when I notice a fragile circle of purple around the edge of his irises. Everything about this man sucks me in and that tiny bit of purple hypnotizes me for a moment before I become uncomfortable under his intense stare. I cross my legs and fidget in my chair. Shit he’s good at this, he knows how he’s making me feel and he loves it. A broad, panty-melting smile spreads across his face and he chuckles quietly. He looks away abandoning his hold on me, momentarily breaking the spell as he gathers up his papers. When everything has been cleared he pats the bed beside him inviting me to sit with him…uh is he nuts? I never voluntarily go that close to a man unless he is my patient, ever. Technically he is my patient but not right now. This is so confusing! Add to that the one time I did get up close and personal while he was awake he curled my toes with his kiss and I am officially flustered.

  “What, you want me to sit on the bed?” I ask, unable to control the rise in my voice.

  “Yes. I do,” he says, the timbre of his voice is filled with authority and like earlier I actually want to comply. It’s not a good idea with his leg in a cast not to mention I could loose my job for fraternizing with my patient.

  “Um, I think I’m good right where I am, y... you know, your broken leg and all,” I stutter. God I am completely embarrassed at my lack of composure.

  “Sit. Here. Now.” he repeats, with a poignant pause after each word. He is so not used to being told no.

  “No,” I snap defiantly. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Oh nurse Imani, when I get out of this cast you will regret saying no to me, and for making me repeat myself.”

  “Oh really? Well you’d better get used to it if you want me to stick around, I don’t take kindly to bossiness.” I fidget again in my seat. Surprisingly I’m kind of turned on by the bossiness and I’d actually like nothing more than to crawl into that bed with him and touch every single muscle on his hard, sexy body, but I don’t dare admit it, his head is big enough as is. I wonder if he remembers me touching him when he was unconscious? The fact that I’m even thinking about it floors me. Marcus is the first man I’ve touched intimately since I was attacked. I had boyfriends in high school, but I never slept with them. The only thing I’ve ever associated sex with is violence, pain and suffering, and Marcus’s words just now sure sounded like a threat. But somehow I know he wouldn’t hurt me, ever. Unfolding my arms and crossing my legs in the opposite direction I wait to see what’s coming next. Maybe a change in subject would help.

  “So, I hear they may transfer you to another floor since you’re doing so well.” I say smiling sweetly. Well that did it, he’s taken by surprise and there’s no more smoldering- he obviously didn’t know this bit of information. After a few moments of stewing his face brightens. “Imani, I have a proposition for you.” Oh no, shit I thought I had successfully steered us away from the come ons. “I want you to come home with me and be my private nurse, I will pay you triple what you are earning here and you can have your own wing of the estate.” What? Is he serious? Wing of the estate? I knew he was wealthy but wing of the estate?? Shit, I can’t quit my job, I am not quitting my job, I’ve worked here since I graduated from nursing school 10 years ago!

  “That’s a very generous offer, but I couldn’t leave my job here, I love it. It’s all I’ve ever known, and your leg won’t be broken forever, what would happen then?”

  “I will have my lawyers draw up a contract with the hospital so you can come back when my leg is healed, kind of like a leave of absence,” he says, like it’s no big deal. Maybe other people can just take another job and come back when they see fit, but not in my world. I don’t care for change and that’s one hell of a change!

  “You can’t do that, administration will never go for it.”

  “You must have a hearing problem nurse Imani, no one tells me no, they will do it. I will make all of the arrangements, you will go home with me when I am discharged, I will send someone to collect your things from your place and move you into my house.” Fuck this guy is incorrigible! He’s totally rearranging my life in his mind, drawing up a contract, having me go home with him, moving my stuff into his house, I can’t believe this… I can’t just uproot my life for a stranger, even a dark, brooding, mysterious, gorgeous stranger! I can just hear Lana now, “Why the hell not, he’s hot, rich and obviously has a thing for you, what’s the problem?!” It’s just so much, and he acts like it’s nothing.

  “Really Marcus I can’t, I love my job and my apartment. I’ve been on my own for a long time, I have a life, friends, and family and I’m not going to leave all that, I don’t even know you.” Clenching his jaw and pressing his lips together he shoves his hand through his hair, wincing when he skims the cut on his head. I can see how much he wants this, or perhaps it’s how much he hates being refused. He ponders his problem silently for a while and I’m actually starting to feel a little guilty. Who is going to take care of him at home? Ah hell, he’s loaded, he can hire any nurse to come and help him… that brings my mind to a screeching halt, any nurse. No way, I don’t want anyone else helping him; I need to come up with something else fast.

  “You can come home with me and work until I go to bed every night and then come back in the morning.”

  “Hmm I’m impressed, you are capable of compromise,” I say, with much more confidence than I’m actually feeling. My mind is scrambling to decide what to do; the overwhelming feeling of possessiveness is going to win this war, no contest.

  “So, it is settled, you are coming home with me,” he says confidently, basically reiterating his original statement, he knows he’s just won…big time.

  “As long as you can assure me I still have a position here, the exact same position then I will agree to this.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Just like that? You don’t know if the hospital will go for this, they could say no.”

  “They will not, I have the best legal representation money can buy, strings and favors owed, you will have whatever you want,” he assures me, and I have no doubt he can make it happen.

  Chapter 10

  He seems satisfied with our deal, or more like the fact that he has successfully bullied me into getting his way. Who am I kidding; I’m so secretly excited to work for him, my insides are doing a happy dance. He pulls his laptop out again. “Well, if you refuse to come up here with me I will just have to go back to my work.” He pouts as he begins to tap the keys and shuffle papers around again. I relax and uncross my arms, letting out a breath. Digging through my purse for my iPad and my phone, I peek out of the corner of my eye and catch him doing the same. That zing of electricity passes between us. I try to ignore it but it’s useless. Marcus Castillo is not someone to be ignored. I busy myself with a little Internet shopping- that should fill some time and God knows I love to buy shoes. Tapping my fingernail on my front tooth I scroll through the dozens of shoe websites, purchasing a few pairs along the way and checking my text messages. My sister is messaging asking me to come visit the kids and mom is asking where I’ve been hiding lately. Typical, if I don’t call every day I’m hiding. I quickly send appropriate responses and check through seven more messages from Lana demanding to know details about my mystery patient, those I ignore… for now. Marcus works silently for an hour or so before looking up.

  “I need some water,” he states, matter-of-factly, as if it should appear out of thin air for His Highness.

  “Mmm, you do, do you? Maybe you should get up and get it yourself,” My smart mouth is destined to get me in trouble with this man. I can’t help it though; he really needs to learn some manners. You’d think a remote band of Indians in the mountains of Peru raised him.

  “I’m keeping tabs on t
hat mouth of yours nurse Imani,” he chuckles rolling his eyes. “Really, well I’m keeping tabs on your lack of manners Mr. Castillo,” I say fidgeting in my chair. I wonder what he means to do about my smart mouth. I can’t wait to find out. He huffs in reply, “Would you please get me some water Imani?” he asks, pausing after each word dramatically and drawing out the please with exaggeration.

  “I’d be happy to.” I hop up and walk down the hall to the galley and get him fresh ice water returning thankfully without having an encounter with any of my coworkers. It must be busy today, nobody is out in the hall. I pour his water and pop a fresh straw in, leaving the tip of the wrapper on the end. He raises his eyebrow at me in an unspoken question.

  “So you know it’s clean, I haven’t touched it where your mouth will be.” Shaking his head, he smiles. Oh brother, I see where I have walked right into that one. “Don’t say it.”

  “I won’t. I will not say anything about where I want to put my mouth, the dirty things I would do to your mouth, or the fact that I don’t mind you touching anything that goes into my mouth.” Oh my god, he did not just say that! I feel a panic attack coming on; does everyone react this way when they get turned on? But before the crimson blush makes it to my face he’s asking me to help him adjust his pillows. I’m not sure I should be close to him after that last comment.

  “Could you please adjust this pillow behind my back?” he asks, continuing to make a production of being polite. Good manners are the last thing on my mind right now. I lean over and adjust his pillow and breath in his unique scent of spearmint and eucalyptuses. He snakes his arms around my waist and there is a microsecond where I know what’s coming, I want it, I need it and he suddenly pulls me off balance onto his chest.

  “Oh!” His stealth attack should have caught me off guard as he intended to, and it does… sort of. Subconsciously I expected nothing less than his hands on my body, his eyes dark and piercing, seducing every inch of me for just a beat before his lips consume my mouth with urgency. The world as I know it ceases to exist. I can hear nothing but the rush of my blood and my heartbeat; I unintentionally stiffen in his arms. Marcus eases the intensity of the kiss moving his lips softly over mine now, gently encouraging me to allow his tongue to sweep into my mouth. His hands wander over my hips to my waist where he squeezes hard as if he is fighting to control his desire. I inhale the breath from his mouth and he relaxes his grip to glide the tips of his fingers over my nipples. He teases them through the softness of my sweater leaving them too soon he smooth’s over my chest, arms and my throat until he cradles my face in his hands guiding me through wave after wave of electric currents. My mouth has a direct connection to my core and everything inside of me liquefies as I melt against him. Moving my arms of no will of my own around his waist and along the muscles of his bare back I thread my hands into his hair from the base of his neck until I’m gripping his thick soft curls. He deepens the kiss with a growl and I allow it, encourage it, and demand it, as a small whimper escapes my throat. For the first time since my attack, hell, the first time ever, I’m enjoying intimacy with a man, and not just any man- this is the man of my dreams if I could have them, the man of every woman’s dreams. He nips along my mouth with his teeth gently feathering his lips against mine before slowly pulling away. Oh please God, don’t stop this, my eyes remain closed, basking in the experience of our first kiss, my first kiss. He presses his forehead against mine, I feel his warm breath against my skin, feel his heart beating under my hand on his chest. I finally open my eyes and he slays me with the heat in his emerald greens. It’s at this moment I realize I would do anything he asked of me, I am helplessly caught in his web…” I….I’d better get up, um, what if someone walks in, I work here you know,” I stammer.

  “Not any more, you work for me now.” His smile is smug and smooth. “Nothing’s written in stone yet, I could lose my job…. wait…you did that on purpose didn’t you?”

  “If you mean did I ask you to help me to get you over here? Yes I did. You are so innocent my sweet Imani I love that. But I did not do it to get you fired. How many times do I need to explain this to you? I always get what I want. And I want you.” He taps me on the tip of my nose with his finger.

  I’m dizzy from all of this newness, the attention, the kiss, his hands on me. I squirm and tear my eyes from his penetrating gaze and do what I do best when I’m nervous, sass. “Well, if you’re my employer I really shouldn’t be fraternizing in this bed with you, it could be considered sexual harassment,” I say trying like hell to lighten the intense vibe between us and regain some of the sanity I have temporarily lost.

  “It isn’t harassment if both of us are willing.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about being paid to kiss you, isn’t that considered some sort of prostitution?” I say.

  “I am not paying you to kiss me, I am paying you to be my nurse, kissing is just one of the many added benefits.” Hmmm benefits, huh? I wonder what other kinds of benefits come with this job?

  “Well until I sign the paperwork I’m sitting over there,” I say, moving quickly to escape. My legs are like jelly, it’s a good thing the chair is close or my ass would be on the floor. That kiss shocked every nerve ending in my entire body and an unfulfilled ache has taken up residency in my sex.

  “So, what’s for lunch?” he blurts out as if the past five minutes didn’t happen. Lunch, who fucking cares about lunch? I have a slide show of erotic scenes running through my mind, including me riding Marcus in his hospital bed, oh my God! I quickly follow his lead and throw cold water on those thoughts with lunch options.

  “I don’t know, whatever your wife Elijah brings you I suppose.”

  He throws his head back and roars with laughter, “My wife huh? He would love that.” This is the first time I’ve heard him laugh, and it’s heartwarming to know that this very intense man has a sense of humor. I love the tiny crow’s feet that form at the corner of his eyes, the flex of the muscles in his neck and the flash of his whiter -than-white teeth when he laughs.

  “I think the only feeling Elijah feels for you is fear,” I snort.

  “Well nurse Imani, it’s a fact that most people don’t enjoy my company. People are necessities used to get a job done and t when I’m finished with them I send them on their way,” he says sharply. Damn what a 360.

  “So I’m a necessity, just here to get the job done, and then you’ll be rid of me?” I ask, genuinely wanting an answer because I’m not about to let the first man to melt my panties off use me up and throw me away. His expression changes from sharp and calculating to totally baffled as he cocks his head considering me.

  “I do not know what you are Imani, I do intend to find out though. You summoned me from the brink of death with your hypnotizing voice, you only have yourself to blame.” With one arm crossing my body I hold my elbow and press my thumb nail on my other hand between my front teeth. Summoned from the brink of death? Really? I spoke to him, that’s it. I had no idea my voice was having that kind of effect on him. “What do you mean I brought you from the brink of death?”

  He busies himself with closing his laptop and arranging the papers that are on the bed. “Nothing…I need to call Elijah and get us some decent food.” Total shut down, what’s that about? I decide to let it go for now. This morning is going to make a serious entry in my diary and I don’t want to ruin it with an argument, when he’s ready he’ll talk. “What are you in the mood for?” he asks, handing me his things as if I’m his personal assistant.

  “Um…surprise me. What do you want me to do with all this?”

  “There is a bag over there, just put it all inside.” He points across the room while calling Elijah on his new phone. After he finishes a brief lunch order he sets his phone aside and again pats the bed next to him for me to sit.

  “Oh no, I know what happens with I get too close to you. I’m not losing my job before any contracts are signed.” I hold up my hands to reinforce my reasoning and scoot my chair fur
ther away.

  “Move the chair closer to the bed,” he orders, and amazingly I do as I’m told with no sass this time. He moves the head of the hospital bed down with his controls until his face is level with mine and reaches over to tug on my thick braid. When I look up at him his eyebrows are raised expectantly as he wiggles his other hand impatiently, I slowly thread my fingers with his. “I won’t bite you nurse Imani,” he says sarcastically and then adds, “Unless of course you want me to.”

  Oh my… he really needs to not talk like that! I’m appalled at my urge to give in to the undeniable magnetic force and climb in bed with him to see about this biting. The mere thought of sharing a bed with a man has caused bile to rise to my throat for ten years. I’ve literally not had one passionate thought since being attacked. The therapist I saw for years worked so hard to get me past this to no avail, and in eight days Marcus has me considering things I’ve never even thought of.

  Blushing bright red, I look down at my lap my palm is sweating, not the reaction I want to be having while holding this sexy man’s hand. Holding my hand is such a sweet and gentle gesture on his part. Something tells me he doesn’t share himself with others.

  “You really should rest, I think you’ve been awake since 6 a.m. it’s not good for you to overexert so soon.” I’m trying so hard to slip back into my role as a nurse, but my suggestion sounds pathetic in comparison to my usual authority. He surprises me yet again by agreeing with me, “Ok, you are right, I am tired. Wake me when Elijah gets here.” He’s back to ordering me around again, I’m getting used to his high handedness so I let it go again without a smart ass comment because when it gets down to it he really does need to sleep, and I so love to watch him do it.

  Chapter 11

  Every time I attempt to remove my hand, his grip tightens and finally I give up and scoot my chair quietly closer so that my arm isn’t overextended. Opening up one of the hundreds of romance eBooks on my iPad with my one free hand, I settle in to wait for Elijah. Ten min later Marcus begins to stir in his sleep. I’ve never witnessed him dreaming, all of his sleeping up to this point has not been actual sleep. His arms twitch and he mumbles something I can’t understand. The more he struggles the more uncomfortable I grow listening to him. I feel like I’m eavesdropping on something private, but he has a death grip on my hand now so there’s no getting away from him without waking him up. Mumbling soon turns into actual talking and he is increasingly upset, beads of sweat break out on his forehead, every muscle in his body tenses and his face contorts into a painful grimace. “No, no, no, don’t touch her. It was me, it was me!” he shouts. I risk having my arm taken off or being punched in the face when I shake him. I pull away quickly to protect myself, he’s a massive man and I’ve seen him in action when he’s crazed. If he comes out of this dream swinging, I don’t want to be caught in his path. His eyes snap open and he stares at the ceiling his breath coming in pants. When he looks down at our hands clasped together, he knows. “What did I say?” he barks at me, and I jump in my seat not expecting him to be angry.